McDowell Wellness Center offers Get Moving Challenge
Published 5:02 pm Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Once again, McDowell Wellness Center is collaborating with local businesses to challenge area residents to improve their health by increasing their physical activity and focusing on mental health. The free, 6-week challenge will begin on Sunday, April 28 with a kick-off event at Millennium Park at the Rotary/Kroger Shelter. Join the fun beginning at 2:30 p.m.
The challenge is free and all you need to do is track your minutes of physical activity and submit them each week of the 6-week challenge. Prizes are drawn weekly and grand prizes at the end; and everyone who submits at least 5-weeks of physical activity will receive a free Get Moving t-shirt, thanks to our generous sponsors. Many local businesses have pledged their support for the Get Moving Challenge by encouraging their employees to participate and by sponsoring t-shirts or donating prizes to be given to participants.
During this challenge, there will be a special focus on mental health. Good habits such as exercise and eating well can affect physical as well as mental health. McDowell Wellness Center is joining the Rotary Club of Danville, Ephraim McDowell Health (EMH), and other local groups in an initiative to address mental health in our community. Weekly Get Moving newsletters will feature articles about lifestyle choices that can affect mental health and will provide updates on other activities going on during May, Mental Health Month. These newsletters will be emailed to participants, shared on the EMH Facebook page and available in hard copy at McDowell Wellness Center.
The kick-off event will start with a short message regarding the importance of mental health and then attendees can participate in a one-mile walk. There will also be a Happy Dance/ Fitness Class demo by Ann Mosley, mental health screenings, free NARCAN distribution, and a chance to meet some of Ephraim McDowell Health’s mental health providers. Participants may register for Get Moving and pick up their packets with instructions and exercise log at the event. Participants are also encouraged to bring non-perishable food items or other items to donate to our local blessing boxes.
Registration forms are available at McDowell Wellness Center and on the McDowell Wellness Center website Participants can register online or print a registration form to be filled out. Completed registration forms can be dropped off at McDowell Wellness Center before the kick-off event, at the kick-off event, or within the first week of the challenge.
For more information, contact Dee Minor or Janet Fluty at McDowell Wellness Center at (859) 936-9355. Businesses that are interested in donating prizes or becoming a sponsor may also contact Dee Minor or Janet Fluty.