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Mr. Speaker, I rise today to highlight our ongoing work to strengthen the recovery supports available across the Northwest Territories for those struggling with mental wellness, substance use, and addictions. In recent years, that work has evolved to offer more relevant and flexible support to residents.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, more than five million Canadians have faced serious mental health issues. Many people say their mental health has gotten worse, with national data showing increased anxiety and feelings of depression. Suicide remains the second-leading cause of death among youth and young adults across the country. In small, close-knit Northern communities, we are directly and profoundly impacted by these experiences as family, friends, and community members.
Mr. Speaker, we know that no single solution or pathway can fully address the unique and evolving needs of Northwest Territories residents. To provide relevant and sustainable supports that truly respond to these needs, we continue to work with our partners to offer a wide range of formal, informal, and community-led supports while working to reduce barriers to access.
In 2020, a transformation within the Community Counselling Program saw more support tailored towards individual needs.
In partnership with the Mental Health Commission of Canada, Stepped Care Solutions, as well as individuals with lived and living experience, and the three Health and Social Services Authorities, we have expanded our services to greatly reduce wait times and improve the accessibility of these services. Several eMental health initiatives have also been made available, providing additional options and flexibility to clients. These virtual options, which include distance-based aftercare programming, range from individual supports to supports for children, youth, and their families.
The Department of Health and Social Services also funds and promotes a Facility-Based Addictions Treatment Program, which has recently seen a significant increase in applications from individuals seeking inpatient treatment for substance-related disorders. This is encouraging because it tells us that residents are aware of this resource and are actively pursuing recovery and wellbeing.
Mr. Speaker, we are also excited to share that two transitional housing programs for addictions recovery are expected to open in Yellowknife and Inuvik within the next year. These programs provide another layer of recovery support and access to sober social networks that are not always available in the home communities of those needing these services. While not everyone will need transitional housing as part of their recovery or aftercare plan, these programs further expand supports for people who need it.
Two community-based funding sources are also available and provide support for mental wellness and addiction recovery through local programs. The Community Suicide Prevention Fund has been fully subscribed for this fiscal year with over $760,000 committed to multiple NWT communities, and the Community Wellness and Addictions Recovery Fund has committed over $2.5 million to multiple communities. There has been significant interest in accessing these funds to date, and communities are encouraged to continue to apply while funds remain available.
In closing, Mr. Speaker, the range of mental wellness, substance use, and addictions recovery supports available to residents demonstrates our commitment to ensuring their needs are being met in a meaningful and sustainable way.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.